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Suibase Helpers Overview

This page is an introduction. When ready, check the following for language specific docs:
Rust Helper
Python Helper

What is a Suibase Helper?

An API providing information to accelerate the development and testing of Sui apps.

Your app get access to:

  • Package ID of most recently published modules (can query by name).
  • IDs of the shared objects created on last publish of your module.
  • active client address (can also query by alias).
  • A healthy RPC URL for a specific network (e.g. devnet).
  • Various utility functions to help automating development.

How it works?
The magic happens when you do a workdir "publish" command (e.g. testnet publish). This is a drop-in replacement of the Sui binary approach (e.g. sui publish) and the same parameters can be specified.

The Suibase command calls the proper Mysten Labs Sui client version matching the network. It adds parameters to save the output in a JSON file. The data is copied in the Suibase workdir structure, and becomes accessible to your apps through an Helper API.

Example 1: What is the active client address for localnet?

    import suibase;

    # Create suibase helper.
    sbh = suibase.Helper()
    if not sbh.is_installed():
        print("suibase is not installed. Please do ~/suibase/install first.")

    # Select a workdir.

    # Print the active address, same as "sui client active-address"
    active_address = sbh.client_address("active")
    print(f"Active address: { active_address }")

    # Suibase supports more than just "active"...
    # localnet has *always* at least 15 named addresses for deterministic test setups.
    # Get one of these address using its alias.
    test_address_1 = sbh.client_address("sb-1-ed25519")
    print(f"Test address 1 type ed25519: { test_address_1 }")

    ######## Console output #####
    # Active address: 0xf7ae71f84fabc58662bd4209a8893f462c60f247095bb35b19ff659ad0081462
    # Test address 1 type ed25519: 0x0fc530455ee4132b761ed82dab732990cb7af73e69cd6e719a2a5badeaed105b

Example 2: What is my last published package ID on devnet?


Example 3: Which URL should be used right now for testnet?

Suibase monitor RPC health of multiple servers and return the best URL to use.

Last update: