What is Suibase?
What is Suibase?
Suibase makes it easy to create "workdirs", each defining a distinct development environment targeting a network.
Other features like:
Simple "update" commands to keep your binaries and Sui SDKs in-sync with the latest network version.
$ lsui/dsui/tsui/msui scripts calls the proper sui binary+config combination for localnet, devnet, testnet or mainnet respectively. No "switch env" needed anymore.
$ localnet star/stop/status scripts and faucet.
$ localnet regen to reset the network with consistent tests addresses and alias (all pre-funded with an abundance of Sui).
Easy to install.
Suibase works independently of any other Mysten Labs default installation and key store (never access ~/.sui, ~/.config/bin etc...). Therefore, it is safe to have Suibase and other standard installation co-exists on the same system.
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